Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Shout out to PITANGKER

Part of our family now has their own blog. PITANGKER. Recently they held several group ride and intesively did some long distance ride. They just show us what single speed bicycle can reach some place we never imagine before, and its brakless all the way. Sometimes this just too dope to know what this kind of bike can do. Shout out to them, ride hard youth, spit blood!

Check them out here http://pitangker.wordpress.com/
Or just kindly follow their twitter @pitangker

Monday, September 1, 2014

Top 5 Blogs in Fixed Gear Scene

Back to day zero. Where it was still dark and we were blind, where we dont know anything about bikes, even we hard to find friends to talk about it. The day when we wonder to someone ride a brakeless bike. The day even skid method didnt invented yet.  The only way to gather all the information is just through the internet. Thanks for everyone who intensively updating their blog and sharing anything related with bicycle. Without them, this scene wont never be exist.
Here we listed top 5 blogs that had significant impact into fixed gear scene since day 0.

In addition, we also had local blogger that never stop supporting Indonesian fixed gear scene.